Friday, September 19, 2008

Life keeps going...

Thank God for the passing of time and the continuing of life that can soothe your heart of deep sorrow a little at a time. We have been through one of the deepest valleys you can walk through, and I am thankful that life does not stop there. School has begun, and once again, I am juggling being a mom, a wife, and now a teacher. I wish I could all three and be proud of the job I do. One is always greatly lacking. I am grateful that I will only be teaching half the year this year, and yet a little sad to know I will be leaving my kids. Some of my kids I have worked with for the last 5 years! And I am PETRIFIED of being home with TWO kids alone all day this winter. Kuddos to all you full time moms who are a pro at this! Gabe has been the sunshine in our days...and the sleeplessness of our nights:) He had the worst double ear infection so far the week that school started... with a viral infection and an allergic reaction to the antibiotics on top of that! It was a tough week with high fevers, throwing up, and screaming nights. We survived, and he is SOOO much better. We have scheduled surgery for tubes to be put in his ears in a fews weeks, and hopefully this will clear up all these issues. Work has pretty much consumed our lives the last 2 weeks, but we have found time to enjoy each other, our families, and the wonderful fall weather that has finally arrived! I have been so overwhelmed with the fragility of life and the desperate need we have to cling to something eternal-the love of our Father. Thank you for all of your prayers and kindness these last few weeks. We feel so loved....

Gabe wearing one of Papa's favorites....Hawaiian shirts!

Gabe's newest favorite...Bob the Builder Tools...just like Daddy's!

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