Thursday, May 29, 2008

Baby and Da-Da

Gabe's best friend....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Gabe's first party

We had a ton of fun on Saturday at Ayden's second birthday party! The bubbles and balloons were a big hit! I guess it doesn't take much to entertain the little guys. We have spent the long weekend taking naps, hanging out with friends, going out for ice cream, and taking long bike rides! I am so thankful for long weekends and sunshine!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In Just 10 Short Months....

A letter for Gabe...

In just 10 short months, you turned my world upside down!
I hardly remember what life was like without you, little one.
You have stretched my heart and my patience,
Making my life fuller and my love deeper than I ever dreamed possible.

In just 10 short months, you peed, pooped, drooled,
and puked and puked and puked all over me!
I can't believe I don't really seem to mind anymore,
Cause you have turned me into a true MOM!

In just 10 short months, I can say I have gone often without...
brushing my teeth, showering, eating, combing my hair, cleaning my floors, SLEEPING
for nights and nights and nights,
But I would do it all again for you- I guess in the end, that all is so unimportant.

In just 10 short months, you have cut your first teeth,
taken your first steps, eaten your first ice cream,
slept through the night (only once), spoken your first word,
And completely wrapped mommy around your little finger.

In just 10 short months, I have learned so much from you,
Like how to love the simple things in life (Tupperware)
And how to slow down in life and just sit and laugh-
But most of all, how deep the love of my Father is as He calls me His child.
Or how His heart must ache when we suffer.
Or what a sacrifice He made when He sent His only Son to earth.

In just 10 short months, my prayer for you each night,
As I rock you, sweet sleeping baby, with tears of joy in my eyes,
Is that you will grow to know His love so deeply like I have,
And one day, rock your child with this same pray on your lips.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thoughts on Today...

Today is Mother's Day, and I am slightly perplexed at conversations I have overheard. Commercials advertising the best gifts for today, dads stressing about what gift to buy, aisles upon on aisles of Hallmark cards (don't get me wrong, I am a sucker for a great tear-jerking card), and moms divulging their plans for a fairy-tale day, asking the other, "What are you getting for Mother's Day?". I have to admit I was anticipating the answer to this question, when God whispered to my heart, "Motherhood is all about the giving, not the getting." And so, today, I want to celebrate all you moms and all that you do hidden from the eyes of the world-
"Every choice you make to love, to serve, to offer, to sacrifice. God sees and is pleased. Your joining with Him in the amazing work of bringing forth life every time you say yes because it is the loving thing to do. Every single time YOU choose to put your children first, before YOUR dreams, needs, wants, desires, rights...a little more selfishness dies and a little more holiness takes root in your heart. When you cry out to God in the midst of weariness, loneliness, and sorrow for the strength to love, He deepens His presence in your soul and changes you ever more into the woman that you were created to be. This mothering we were called to is an amazing honor. God has invited us to join HIM in the holy work of bringing forth life in others!' (Staci Eldredge)
What a gift we have already been given! For the miracle of motherhood, I am most indebted and grateful for today.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Porch painting

I finally did it! I painted my porch, an annual spring tradition ( that I missed last year 'cause I was so pregnant and my husband wouldn't let me near paint fumes). The funny thing is I decided not to go with the traditional gray porch paint. I could tell you a million creative reasons why....I wanted to make my sister smile cause it is her favorite color, or I wanted to show my support for breast cancer survivors, or I am a very creative person who has a plan to make my porch look like a "Better Homes and Gardens" porch....but. no, I simply found it on the OOOPs paint rack at Home Depot, and seeing we finally finished paying off THOUSANDS of dollars in credit card debt, I am trying to be frugile. A five dollar can of porch paint seemed like a great idea, even if it was......


Blankie Blues

We were facing a tragic problem when I realized that Target no longer carried Gabe's airplane, we would frantically wash and dry his at least once a week in between naps on the weekend. He doesn't use a pacifier and I really try to keep this blanket for bedtime....But, as he is still spitting up a lot, that just did not cut it. By Friday, it was pretty yucky! But, alas, we were in Target the other day looking for something that would suffice, when he lunged out of the cart to grab this one-the only difference is instead of an airplane in the corner, there is a puppy! So, now we can alternate blankies while one is in the wash. Ah, the simple things in life that made you smile!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Spring is here!

My favorite part of NY is the changing of seasons, and spring is finally here! We have been spending every possible minute outside these days. Gabe LOVES the outdoors, and he is showing signs of being ALL boy! Yesterday, he decided to dig into the dirt in my flowerbed and when I looked over, he had just shoved a mouthful into his little lips:) It is so refreshing to out in barefeet enjoying the sunshine, the lilacs, and the green grass. Of course...this leaves little time for blogging...sorry Aunt Ki-Ki!

Of course once we are done playing in the new sandbox, we have to strip and head right to the bath...