Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This has been one of the best Christmas' for the Weavers...there has been sad moments, mising Papa, but just as joyful ones, watching the simple, pure joy of a little child! It brings back some of those child-like moments, when Christmas lights were breath-taking, all you needed was to open one little toy to be entertained for hours, and you did not have a worry in the world because you knew that you were loved and taken care of. It reminded me so much of God's love for us, and it made me wonder why I worry so often!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

To cry or laugh....

I decided to laugh...boy, can kids make life absolutely hysterically unbelievably unexpected! Who would have ever thought that parm cheese could be so much fun? We are loving having a happy little boy around to make life full of smiles!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thirty weeks is around the corner!

I cannot believe in about 10 weeks I will be waiting on pins and needles to meet my little girl! Gabe is so cute...he loves to pull up my shirt and give my tummy kisses. (Not so cute in public, though!) I promised, you, Kristi, I'd post a is the best I could find...can't wait to see you soon! Life is a blur-work, being a mommy, a wife, taking care of apartments, and trying to find time to be a friend. But, it is good. We have much to be thankful for, and I am always reminded of this around Christmas.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First haircut...first lollipop!

When Gabe woke up from his nap today looking like BOZO the clown, I decided to get out the scissors and give him his first haircut. But, there was no persuading him to sit still, and so I caved in and gave him his first really lollipop ever! I only cut the "side wings" and some off the top-I couldn't bear to loose the curls in the are some pics!

Don't worry...the curls are still there!

After...figuring out my squirt bottle!

Gabe's going to be a big brother.... a very sweet little baby girl! We are so excited and quite overwhelmed with the thought of having a daughter. Bring on the pink!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Autumn thoughts....

I can't believe October is here...where did September go? It is my favorite time of the year, and I always am sad to see if fly by so quickly. I love the colorful leaves, the crisp evening air, the smell of wood stoves being lit, and the bright pumpkins and mums everywhere. I LOVE the pumkin spice coffee that you can buy only this time of the year, and I am enjoying digging out some old recipes and baking up a storm. I both anticipate and dread the winter. I hate being cold, but I love the stillness of life that proceeds the first snowfall. It is seems that all of life takes a long rest and all is so calm and serene. We bought extra pellets for our stove this year, and already I am turning the stove on at 4am when I get to go to the bathroom....for the fourth time....and when Gabe wakes up around 6, the house is toasty warm! Even Gabe loves to cuddle up by the stove and drink his bottle! Here are a few recent pics from our fall days...

To sexy for my shirt....

Daddy's little helper....Bob the Builder tools are a great garage sale find!
Apparently dirt is much more exciting than the playground that was right behind us!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Life keeps going...

Thank God for the passing of time and the continuing of life that can soothe your heart of deep sorrow a little at a time. We have been through one of the deepest valleys you can walk through, and I am thankful that life does not stop there. School has begun, and once again, I am juggling being a mom, a wife, and now a teacher. I wish I could all three and be proud of the job I do. One is always greatly lacking. I am grateful that I will only be teaching half the year this year, and yet a little sad to know I will be leaving my kids. Some of my kids I have worked with for the last 5 years! And I am PETRIFIED of being home with TWO kids alone all day this winter. Kuddos to all you full time moms who are a pro at this! Gabe has been the sunshine in our days...and the sleeplessness of our nights:) He had the worst double ear infection so far the week that school started... with a viral infection and an allergic reaction to the antibiotics on top of that! It was a tough week with high fevers, throwing up, and screaming nights. We survived, and he is SOOO much better. We have scheduled surgery for tubes to be put in his ears in a fews weeks, and hopefully this will clear up all these issues. Work has pretty much consumed our lives the last 2 weeks, but we have found time to enjoy each other, our families, and the wonderful fall weather that has finally arrived! I have been so overwhelmed with the fragility of life and the desperate need we have to cling to something eternal-the love of our Father. Thank you for all of your prayers and kindness these last few weeks. We feel so loved....

Gabe wearing one of Papa's favorites....Hawaiian shirts!

Gabe's newest favorite...Bob the Builder Tools...just like Daddy's!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Remembering Papa

Our hearts are aching today with the unexpected loss of Ty's papa. He was the kindest man I have ever known. He loved unconditionally. He always smiled, always had a silly joke to tell, and always had a hug and kiss for everyone. He worked harder than anyone I know. He loved Jesus with all his heart. His license plate was "WWJD". There were always grandkids on his lap, playing with his hair (what he had left) and jumping up and down on his lamp. Gabe loved to sit on papa's lap and tip upside down. It makes me even sadder to know that Gabe will not remember Papa someday. I am so thankful that he is papa's namesake, and I hope he grows up to be a man like papa. We love you, papa.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Summer's waning moments...

I am grieving the fact that I must go back to work in less than 2 weeks-the thought of leaving Gabe every day breaks my heart. I love to teach, I love the schedule of school, I love working with difficult teens who are struggling (or not even trying) to get through school...I love walking into school in the crisp morning air with a fresh coffee of steaming coffee (and yes, that one cup of coffee is back in my morning routine...and makes me smile!). But none of it compares to cuddling up and reading books, picking "pitty" flowers, singing and dancing in circles 'til we get dizzy and fall down, or just holding your sleeping baby 'cause you don't want to put him down. It is exhausting, lonely at times, frustrating that your 13 month old can run away about as fast as a 4-month pregnant mom can chase, and oh so messy...very very messy. Let me emphasize...boys are MESSY! And I thought my husband was bad:) But at the end of the day, I love being a mom. I wish I could do both and do both really well. But, on a brighter note, this school year will be short...cause of our little addition this winter! And maybe next year...well, we will worry about that next year. For now, here are some great pics of how we are spending the last days of summer...

We got to meet little Abigail Stephens, such a beautiful little baby! We miss you already and wish you weren't so very far away!

We are discovering how much fun playgrounds are...for kids and parents!

Gabe thinks that bein' beach bums is great fun!

Gabe LOVED the "hot" (fires) daddy built while we were camping!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ear infections and long sleepless nights

I cannot believe how sleep deprived I am nor how much I have to do. We are leaving in 2 days for a week of camping on Kueka Lake, and the "to do" list keeps growing! We are in the middle of remodeling part of one of the apartments, storing up for winter (food, wood, etc.), and now taking care of a sick little man who did not sleep for the third night in a row last night. For anyone who has kids, you know how dismal the hours between about midnight and 5am can be. You have just fallen in REM sleep when you are jolted awake by a cry which quickly turns into desperate screaming...and you know it is going to be long night. I slept more sitting up last night than laying down....and not at all between 2 and 4:30. Poor baby, everytime he laid down, his ears hurt so bad. But when the sun comes up, he is as happy as a lark and you would never guess anything was wrong. Ear infections....yuck. I am off to make dinner for a new mommy....and dreaming of napping, but only dreaming...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blueberry picking

My little family's all time favorite fruit is blueberries...and so mom and I drove an hour south to spend the day in a field of blueberries....picking, and of course, eating too many to count! We picked over 20 pounds of berries until our little helper became too sleepy to continue. It was a wonderful adventure and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a day trip into the beautiful country. Although we were exhausted, I had to muster the strength to throw together a pan of blueberry buckle, which is almost gone already! Yum!!! Today marks 12 weeks....still in normal clothes, still feeling sick, and counting the days til I can feel this little one all becomes so real, then!

Happy 13 month birthday, Gabe! You have made life an exciting adventure!

Sharing ice cubes...dada is the best!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thank God for Aunties...and cousins!

All FOUR boys had so much today playing with this great water table from Aunt Ki-Ki. What a great thing to have boy cousins everywhere you look! Life sure is good!
Sorry, were sleeping by the time I got the camera out!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So, I have to confess the reason I have not been too great about posting is because I have been avidly scrapbooking every minute I get while Gabe sleeps. I am desperatey trying to get caught up with his book before school starts up again in a month. There is NO way catching up will happen in September...being a mom, pregnant, and teaching...I'll be lucky to have clean underwear for us all! Ha-ha. Once the new baby is here, I want to be just scrapping current pics of the boys. Yes, I say boys. I have felt sooo different this pregnancy than my first, and I was starting to think girl (Ty thinks it's twin girls-boy are we in trouble!) When I went to get my bloodwork done the other day, the lady told me to come home and check the bridge of Gabe's nose. If there was a blue "vein" or line across the bridge of his nose, then it was a boy...she says it is "scientifically proven". Well, shortly after arriving home, Gabe fell and hit the bridge of his nose on the side slat on our bed....and now has a LARGE blue line across his nose. So, I am now betting on a boy!

Can you see the blue????

Monday, July 28, 2008

Boys and Summer

No shoes, no shirt, just catching the rays, sipping icy water....does life get any better? I LOVE how simple and happy my boy is. It doesn't take much to entertain him for an hour-just some dirt and rocks and a bucket, and he is happy as a king in his palace.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Rainy day FUN!

Thanks for all the ideas...we ended up having a counsins day yesterday and the four boys had a blast entertaining each other! Thank God for cousins! And, while daddy was painting one of our apartments last night, mom decided that Gabe was old enough to help with some was a splashing success....literally! I never knew dishes could be so fun, nor has my floor ever been so wet! I am so thankful for all the smiled Gabe brings to my life.

We headed right for the bathtub when we were done!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rainy days...

So, it is rainy day a row! What is a mom to do with a wild little one year old boy who is tearing through the house squealing at the top of his lungs, dying to go outside???? Any suggestions???

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week one...

This was my first full week as a stay at home mom since Gabe was born. ( I did have a 6 week maternity leave, but we were at the doc's more than home:). It was a week of change, a week of smiles, and a week of tears. I had no idea what a big change this would be. I LOVE it, and it absolutely WEARS ME OUT! It is a bit lonely, but TOTALLY rewarding. I have to say that my favorite part was after spending a signigicant amount of time reading this week, Gabe grabbed an armful of books and plopped down on my lap to read! I LOVE to read, and it was great to share that moment! Our routine has kind of fallen into place....we are up early....Gabe has a bit of his Gram Weaver's genes....and I grab a bag of saltines, my propel, and a sippy cup and head for the couch. If I lay low for the first hour, I can control the urge to puke! We chill and read and play until I can handle the thought of making breakfast. We get ready for the day, and head out for a morning walk. I realised if I don't get this done first thing, it doesn't usually happen. The days have been getting so hot! When we get back, Gabe has a bottle and eventually heads down for a nap-which he finally falls asleep on his own and in his crib now, yeah! This is my sanity time-my time-I read my Bible, write, do computer stuff, make my "to do" list, get some stuff done around the house, garden, and just enjoy the 2 hours of peace and quiet. When Gabe wakes up, we head outside to play, eat lunch, run errands, meet up with friends, visit Grandmas, etc. Gabe has a VERY strong will, and never stops moving...I definitely am being challenged to be firm when he pushes the boundries, and I have had to hide a few tears of frustration with his determination. I just keep praying that God will use his strong will to do incredible things someday! (And give me wisdom as I teach him to listen) He has been taking a really late nap lately, so I try to get dinner all set up to make, and he LOVES helping me by banging pots and pans and stirring cheerios in a bowl-of course, if only I could teach him sweep up the mess:) When he heads down for an afternoon nap, I crash! Something about being pregnant that just makes you tired the time we wake up, daddy is home....YEAH! Kind of rountine, monotonous, ordinary, but wonderful!

Friday, July 18, 2008

missing Starbucks...

My first inkling that I was pregnant was that I stopped sipping my coffee on the way to work in the morning-it just kind of made my stomach turn. Then, just the smell of the grounds in the morning made me green. I tried to be a good wife this morning and start the coffee for my sweetheart who is teaching all summer so I can stay home with the baby. And, I had to rush out and sit in the living room gasping for non-coffee tainted air! Oh, the sacrifices you is my one addiction in life. It makes Mondays bearable, it makes a late-night silly, it take a sleepy mom and gives a pep in my step! Oh, I do miss my coffee!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More birthday pics for Aunt Ki-Ki

Our day in photos...

Playing in the sand with cousin...

Riding the newest ride in town...thanks, Gram Weaver!

Swimming with a pool full of grass:)

And cake to top it all off!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gabe's first birthday!

I can't believe it has already been one year since my little man entered this world! It has been one of the toughest years of my life, with all of his tummy issues, but he is finally outgrowing it, and we usually have at least 5-6 good nights out of the week! YEAH! Only tiny puking here and is a little picture of my happy boy in his new ball pit!

And make sure you read the shirt for Gabe's special birthday announcement....SURPRISE!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Six angels

I discovered that Gabe has at least 6 angels surrounding him today...I knew he had several as he has survived escaping the house, falling down three stairs onto concrete, and eating numerous unedibles....but, today, I figured he must have six winged friends. You see, we were grocery shopping and this little angel turned around in the cart when I was not looking and picked up a dozen eggs by the lid. In about 3 seconds, all 12 eggs went crashing into the cart. But, not one single one broke! All 6 angels must have reached out and caught an egg in each hand, as best as I can figure!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sundays-the best day of the week!

I truly do believe that if you set out to make Sunday a true day or rest-sitting back and enjoying what God has given will be your best day, too! Our Sunday was full of the best, relaxing in the hammock, drinking coffee, reading, chatting on the phone to aunt kiki, admiring the pergola that daddy is building over the patio that he is making...and visiting grandma's ice cream shop, Jones' Cones!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer fun!

Has it really been over 2 weeks since the last post???? We have been spending our days outside enjoying the sun and exploring the world around us. The hose, dirt, rocks, birds, squirrels... just to name a few things that are Gabe's newest favorites. We have been busy working on outdoor projects that are endless, visiting family out of state, wrapping up loose ends at school, doing TONS of paperwork (YUCK), staying up way too late.

All five great-grandkids in all their glory!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Muffin

It's official...the nickname is "muffin". He may despise me for it when he is a teen...but his cheeks are finally so chubby that I can't help it. I had no idea how skinny and sick he was until I pulled up a few old pics to look at...

2 weeks pound under birth weight...a tad over 7 pounds....

10 months old....with over 23 pounds of 24 month pj's...

and cheeks just begging to be kissed!!!

On a sadder note....tear....Gabe was moved to the one year old nursery today because he is walking...another tear....time for another baby...cause this one is not so little anymore.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Baby and Da-Da

Gabe's best friend....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Gabe's first party

We had a ton of fun on Saturday at Ayden's second birthday party! The bubbles and balloons were a big hit! I guess it doesn't take much to entertain the little guys. We have spent the long weekend taking naps, hanging out with friends, going out for ice cream, and taking long bike rides! I am so thankful for long weekends and sunshine!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In Just 10 Short Months....

A letter for Gabe...

In just 10 short months, you turned my world upside down!
I hardly remember what life was like without you, little one.
You have stretched my heart and my patience,
Making my life fuller and my love deeper than I ever dreamed possible.

In just 10 short months, you peed, pooped, drooled,
and puked and puked and puked all over me!
I can't believe I don't really seem to mind anymore,
Cause you have turned me into a true MOM!

In just 10 short months, I can say I have gone often without...
brushing my teeth, showering, eating, combing my hair, cleaning my floors, SLEEPING
for nights and nights and nights,
But I would do it all again for you- I guess in the end, that all is so unimportant.

In just 10 short months, you have cut your first teeth,
taken your first steps, eaten your first ice cream,
slept through the night (only once), spoken your first word,
And completely wrapped mommy around your little finger.

In just 10 short months, I have learned so much from you,
Like how to love the simple things in life (Tupperware)
And how to slow down in life and just sit and laugh-
But most of all, how deep the love of my Father is as He calls me His child.
Or how His heart must ache when we suffer.
Or what a sacrifice He made when He sent His only Son to earth.

In just 10 short months, my prayer for you each night,
As I rock you, sweet sleeping baby, with tears of joy in my eyes,
Is that you will grow to know His love so deeply like I have,
And one day, rock your child with this same pray on your lips.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thoughts on Today...

Today is Mother's Day, and I am slightly perplexed at conversations I have overheard. Commercials advertising the best gifts for today, dads stressing about what gift to buy, aisles upon on aisles of Hallmark cards (don't get me wrong, I am a sucker for a great tear-jerking card), and moms divulging their plans for a fairy-tale day, asking the other, "What are you getting for Mother's Day?". I have to admit I was anticipating the answer to this question, when God whispered to my heart, "Motherhood is all about the giving, not the getting." And so, today, I want to celebrate all you moms and all that you do hidden from the eyes of the world-
"Every choice you make to love, to serve, to offer, to sacrifice. God sees and is pleased. Your joining with Him in the amazing work of bringing forth life every time you say yes because it is the loving thing to do. Every single time YOU choose to put your children first, before YOUR dreams, needs, wants, desires, rights...a little more selfishness dies and a little more holiness takes root in your heart. When you cry out to God in the midst of weariness, loneliness, and sorrow for the strength to love, He deepens His presence in your soul and changes you ever more into the woman that you were created to be. This mothering we were called to is an amazing honor. God has invited us to join HIM in the holy work of bringing forth life in others!' (Staci Eldredge)
What a gift we have already been given! For the miracle of motherhood, I am most indebted and grateful for today.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Porch painting

I finally did it! I painted my porch, an annual spring tradition ( that I missed last year 'cause I was so pregnant and my husband wouldn't let me near paint fumes). The funny thing is I decided not to go with the traditional gray porch paint. I could tell you a million creative reasons why....I wanted to make my sister smile cause it is her favorite color, or I wanted to show my support for breast cancer survivors, or I am a very creative person who has a plan to make my porch look like a "Better Homes and Gardens" porch....but. no, I simply found it on the OOOPs paint rack at Home Depot, and seeing we finally finished paying off THOUSANDS of dollars in credit card debt, I am trying to be frugile. A five dollar can of porch paint seemed like a great idea, even if it was......


Blankie Blues

We were facing a tragic problem when I realized that Target no longer carried Gabe's airplane, we would frantically wash and dry his at least once a week in between naps on the weekend. He doesn't use a pacifier and I really try to keep this blanket for bedtime....But, as he is still spitting up a lot, that just did not cut it. By Friday, it was pretty yucky! But, alas, we were in Target the other day looking for something that would suffice, when he lunged out of the cart to grab this one-the only difference is instead of an airplane in the corner, there is a puppy! So, now we can alternate blankies while one is in the wash. Ah, the simple things in life that made you smile!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Spring is here!

My favorite part of NY is the changing of seasons, and spring is finally here! We have been spending every possible minute outside these days. Gabe LOVES the outdoors, and he is showing signs of being ALL boy! Yesterday, he decided to dig into the dirt in my flowerbed and when I looked over, he had just shoved a mouthful into his little lips:) It is so refreshing to out in barefeet enjoying the sunshine, the lilacs, and the green grass. Of course...this leaves little time for blogging...sorry Aunt Ki-Ki!

Of course once we are done playing in the new sandbox, we have to strip and head right to the bath...

Monday, April 28, 2008

We're still ALIVE!

So, we have been home for over a week...and what a vacation we had! The days in Virginia were bunches of fun, but next time....we fly or the kid gets Dramamine:) I was absolutely doused in puke two days in a row...and someone forgot to inform Gabe that babies are suppose to sleep while traveling at night!!! We made it there and back, but I think it may take a year of counseling to get over the trauma of the trip. In between the 13 hour drives that were suppose to take 10 hours, we had some fun...

The first night we made it 3 hours...we quit after midnight and a screaming child...he was as happy as a king once we got out of the car!

Thank the Lord for McDonald's playgrounds!!!

We visited the Botanical Gardens with Aunt Wo-Wo. SOOOO beautiful!

We had our first picnic of the year!
AND....we rented a "pedal car" to ride around in for the afternoon at the beach!
We played in the warm sand and got all dirty!

And, of course, we visited our good friends, Kerri and Derek, and Haddie and Gabe hit it off great!

Here is the promised picture of Aunt WoWo...and baby Stephens who we got to feel kicking a lot!

We stopped on our way home to visit Gabe's great grandparents, where he was a big hit...and he loved to have Gram read him stories!
We had a good time away, and loved being with our friends, but it is GREAT to be home!