Saturday, February 21, 2009


Maybe next time I post I will be posting a picture of both my babies....maybe. Can you tell I am impatient? I forgot about this last week of waiting...pure torture. I would rather be in labor!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Counting down....

I am counting down the days...exactly one month and a few days until SHE arrives! Only 3 more weeks of work...15 days to be exact until I can be a stay at home mom....YEAH!

What have we been up to the last month??? are a few details....

  • refinancing our house
  • enjoying the Strong Museum of play!
  • remodeling our 1950' s bathroom
  • setting up for baby girl's arrival
  • MAJOR nesting and cleaning out/getting rid of JUNK!
  • Organizing and more nesting
  • cleaning and more get the picture
  • starting back to grad school (Ty)
  • trying to get caught up with scrapbooking....cause right now Gabe is stuck at 6 months in his baby scrapbook and I am determined to get up to his first birthday before SHE arrives!
  • trying to keep warm in this insanely frigid NY weather
  • and trying to sleep (without much success)

Life has been fun and challenging and much to be thankful for every day!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This has been one of the best Christmas' for the Weavers...there has been sad moments, mising Papa, but just as joyful ones, watching the simple, pure joy of a little child! It brings back some of those child-like moments, when Christmas lights were breath-taking, all you needed was to open one little toy to be entertained for hours, and you did not have a worry in the world because you knew that you were loved and taken care of. It reminded me so much of God's love for us, and it made me wonder why I worry so often!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

To cry or laugh....

I decided to laugh...boy, can kids make life absolutely hysterically unbelievably unexpected! Who would have ever thought that parm cheese could be so much fun? We are loving having a happy little boy around to make life full of smiles!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thirty weeks is around the corner!

I cannot believe in about 10 weeks I will be waiting on pins and needles to meet my little girl! Gabe is so cute...he loves to pull up my shirt and give my tummy kisses. (Not so cute in public, though!) I promised, you, Kristi, I'd post a is the best I could find...can't wait to see you soon! Life is a blur-work, being a mommy, a wife, taking care of apartments, and trying to find time to be a friend. But, it is good. We have much to be thankful for, and I am always reminded of this around Christmas.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First haircut...first lollipop!

When Gabe woke up from his nap today looking like BOZO the clown, I decided to get out the scissors and give him his first haircut. But, there was no persuading him to sit still, and so I caved in and gave him his first really lollipop ever! I only cut the "side wings" and some off the top-I couldn't bear to loose the curls in the are some pics!

Don't worry...the curls are still there!

After...figuring out my squirt bottle!

Gabe's going to be a big brother.... a very sweet little baby girl! We are so excited and quite overwhelmed with the thought of having a daughter. Bring on the pink!!!