Monday, April 28, 2008

We're still ALIVE!

So, we have been home for over a week...and what a vacation we had! The days in Virginia were bunches of fun, but next time....we fly or the kid gets Dramamine:) I was absolutely doused in puke two days in a row...and someone forgot to inform Gabe that babies are suppose to sleep while traveling at night!!! We made it there and back, but I think it may take a year of counseling to get over the trauma of the trip. In between the 13 hour drives that were suppose to take 10 hours, we had some fun...

The first night we made it 3 hours...we quit after midnight and a screaming child...he was as happy as a king once we got out of the car!

Thank the Lord for McDonald's playgrounds!!!

We visited the Botanical Gardens with Aunt Wo-Wo. SOOOO beautiful!

We had our first picnic of the year!
AND....we rented a "pedal car" to ride around in for the afternoon at the beach!
We played in the warm sand and got all dirty!

And, of course, we visited our good friends, Kerri and Derek, and Haddie and Gabe hit it off great!

Here is the promised picture of Aunt WoWo...and baby Stephens who we got to feel kicking a lot!

We stopped on our way home to visit Gabe's great grandparents, where he was a big hit...and he loved to have Gram read him stories!
We had a good time away, and loved being with our friends, but it is GREAT to be home!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Our first family vacation....

Virginia Beach, here we come! Armed with ear plugs, enough baby food and diapers for a year, and a smile on our faces, we are headed south (THANK GOD-cause it is suppose to snow here!) I think that in my packing, I forgot that there are plenty of Walmarts between here and there, and if we are in need of anything, well, you know, just in case....I packed it all! I can pretty safely bet that I will be spending most of the trip down in the back seat with this little angel...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Finally, a new camera!

It has been killing me not to be able to take pics this week, but we have finally found a little guy, the "elf" and are back in business. This will be brief, as Gabe has another cold and is my total sleep the last 2 nights has equaled less then 7 hours....uggggg! This is Gabe's favorite toy....thanks Aunt Ki-Ki!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

No pics....

So, our digital camera finally died and we are soooo unable to make, no new camera has been purchased yet. But, since we are headed to VA beach for vacation next weekend, I am reassured by the fact that we will have one by then! YEAH! I do miss taking pictures and think Gabe has already grown in this last week and I have nothing to show:( What did moms do before cameras? I am SOOO glad that I am living in this modern day!

I just live for the weekends! Here is my top ten reasons for loving the weekends...
  • No need to pack half the house and lug it out the car in the early AM hours!
  • Staying in my pj's til noon (or til someone rings the doorbell:)
  • Sipping on many cups of coffee and actually getting to enjoy them before they get cold ( and like my dad, reheating the cup several times if needed cause I despise cold coffee)
  • playing with my baby
  • making pancakes for breakfast
  • sitting in the sun in my dining room reading my Bible
  • going back to bed when Gabe takes a nap
  • blogging
  • scrapbooking ( I am on the page where we leave the hospital with Gabe:)
  • Just getting to be MOM and WIFE and nothing else!

Hope your weekend is as wonderful!